The emphasis of the course is on methods and the analysis of real dataset. The best way to understand time series concepts is to write lots of code implementing the various techniques discussed in class on real macro e financial data. The computer language used in this course is Julia.
The final grade depends on a series of homework assignments.
From Cross-Section to Time Series: asymptotic theory under serial correlation
Stationary Process
Linear processes
The Wold representation theorem
ARMA processes: estimation and forecasting
ARIMA models for non-stationary time series
Multivariate Time Series
Vector Auto-Regressions (VAR)
Structural VARs: identification
Structural impulse responses
The Bayesian paradigm
Likelihood, prior, and posterior
Bayesian computations
Applications: Bayesian VAR
Factor models and High Dimensional Econometrics
Principal components
Dynamic factor models
Ridge and Lasso